2025.01.15 (수)

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기상청 제공

World News

Opening for Seoul ADEX 2021 on Oct,19

-The largest exhibition ever even under the Corona situation-
-440 companies from 28 countries participated in the indoor exhibition hall, 68 types of 79 aircraft and ground equipment outdoor exhibition-
-Welcoming about 300 overseas defense ministers, heads of staff from each country, and chief of acquisition from 45 countries to South Korea, expecting military diplomacy and defense export channel.-

[By NBC-1TV K, Y Yi] The Seoul International Aerospace & Defense Exhibition (SEOUL ADEX) will be held at Seoul Airport (Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do) for 5 days from Oct, 19(Tue) to Oct, 23(Sat). 
It started as the ‘Seoul Air Show’ in 1996 and has been integrated into the ground defense sector since 2009 and Seoul ADEX 2021 is Korea's largest trade show specializing in aerospace and defense.

Seoul ADEX is held every odd-numbered year in October to expand export opportunities for domestic aerospace and defense products and to exchange technology with advanced overseas companies.

This year, 440 companies from 28 countries, the largest ever, will participate, and the indoor exhibition hall will be operated 5% more than in 2019 due to the increase in participating companies.

The expanded indoor exhibition hall will display a large number of new technology products scheduled for development, including hydrogen-fueled large drones, space development-related equipment, unmanned complex system equipment, VR training system, small laser weapons, and multi-purpose unmanned vehicles. In the private sector, new concept transportation systems such as UAM (Urban Air Mobility) and KPS (Korean Positioning System) will also be introduced. In addition, the Ministry of Defense will form a separate public relations center with a total of 72 types of unmanned aerial, terrestrial, and marine systems produced in Korea and operated by the military to indirectly support marketing activities of domestic companies as well as smart military promotions.

In the outdoor exhibition hall, 34 aircraft of 37 types, including FA-50 and KT-1, which are the main export items, and 34 ground equipment of 31 types, including K-2 tanks and K-9 Self-Propelled Artillery, are  exhibited for export negotiation with foreign countries According to the US military, the C-17, MQ-1 and MV-22 will be on display at this exhibition.

During the exhibition, more than 300 overseas defense ministers, heads of staff from each country, and chief of acquisition from 45 countries are expected to strengthen active military diplomatic cooperation and provide practical defense export counseling. 

Accordingly, in order to support export marketing of domestic companies, overseas delegations and G2B (government-to-business) meeting programs are operated. 
   It also operates a business-to-business (B2B) meeting matching program between SMEs and large corporations.
   In 2019, It organized 1,040 G2B business meetings and 1,450 B2B business meetings. 

A total of 22 seminars were held under various themes such as the International Aerospace Symposium, the International Symposium on Future Ground Forces Development, the Investment Concert, and the Defense Force Support System.
   It will be an opportunity to view the technological flow of the global aerospace and defense industries and promote technological cooperation
The operation center will also pay attention to quarantine. 
   Only Visitors who have passed 14 days after getting the second vaccine dose or submitted a negative PCR test result within 72 hours are allowed to enter
   Also, Every visitors need to measure body temperature twice and need QR code verification. There are Air sterilizer to remove harmful substances and kiosks for issuing non-face-to-face passes.
Lee Jong ho who is in charge of SEOUL ADEX co-operation department stressed that Seoul ADEX 2021 will be held safely to show Korea's excellence in corona management and this exhibition will serve as an opportunity for the Korean industry to take a leap forward in the global market.
From the 19th (Tuesday) to the 22nd (Fri), the event will be held for workers in related fields such as industry, academia, research institutes, and the military. The general public can only enter one day on Oct, 23(Sat)


