[NBC-1TV 이경찬 기자] 미주한인상공회의소 총연합회 제27대 총회장에 강영기 현 회장이 취임한다. 미주한인상공회의소 총연합회(이하 미주상공인총연)는 18일 텍사스주 달라스에서 정기총회 및 정기이사회를 잇달아 열고 제27대 회장 취임 및 사업계획 등을 확정한다. 앞서 미주상공인총연 제27대 선거관리위원회(위원장 김영복)는 4월 8일 “3월 15일 후보등록 결과 강영기 현 회장이 미주상공인총연 제27대 회장에 선출되었다”고 발표한 바 있다. ‘일하는 미주상공인총연’을 강조해 온 강영기 총회장은 “살을 도려내는 아픔으로 미주상공인총연이 빠르게 재정비되고 있다”고 말하고, 그동안의 노력으로 일군 사업들이 본격적으로 성과를 내는 제27대 집행부가 될 것이라고 강조했다. 강영기 총회장은 상공회의소 본연의 임무와 역할에 충실하고자 하는 미주 전지역의 상공회의소들의 동참이 이어지고 있다고 말하고, 미주상공인총연은 이들과 함께 ‘일하는 총연’을 힘있게 이어가겠다고 덧붙였다. 미주한인상공회의소 총연합회 제27대 회장 취임식에는 미주한인 지역상공회의소 회장단, 미주상공인총연과 MOU를 맺고 있는 협회 및 단체, 그리고 미국진출 프로젝트를 진행하고 있는 한국의 기업체 대표들
[By NBC-1TV K, Y Yi] GENEVA,Switzerland (April 12, 2019) - World Taekwondo (WT) and the InternationalTaekwon-Do Federation (ITF) today showcased the power of taekwondo to promotepeace during a joint-demonstration at the United Nations (UN) Office in Geneva. Thejoint-demonstration was the fourth demonstrationheld over the last week to mark the 25th anniversary of taekwondobeing included on the Olympic Programme and to celebrate the growingcollaboration between the two federations. The UN office inGeneva (UNOG), a symbol of unity, collaboration and international peace,provided the perfect sett
{By NBC-1TV K, Y Yi] LAUSANNE, Switzerland (April 11, 2019) - World Taekwondo (WT), the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF) and theInternational Olympic Committee (IOC) today hosted an event in commemoration of the 25thanniversary of taekwondo’s Olympic inclusion. The event, which took place at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, was heldin recognition of the positive contribution taekwondo has made to the OlympicMovement, including the innovative changes ofcompetitions and the promotion of humanitarianand peace-building initiatives over the past 25 years. Taekwondo has appeared at every Ol
[By NBC-1TV K, Y Yi] VIENNA,Austria (April 5, 2019) - WorldTaekwondo (WT) and the International Taekwondo Federation (ITF) today performeda joint-demonstration in Vienna,in which the headquarters of the ITF is located, to mark the ongoing cooperation between the two federations andcelebrate taekwondo’s 25th anniversary of joining the Olympicprogramme. Today’s event is the first ofthree joint-events between WT and the ITF that will be held in Austria andSwitzerland over the next week. It is the first time that WT and ITF have helda joint-demonstration in Vienna, home of the ITF headquarters sin
[NBC-1TV 구본환 기자] 제9회 유산클럽(玉山會)컵 전국태권도 품새 및 격파대회가 4일 대만 신베시영사중학교(新北市立鶯歌中學) 실내체육관에서 개최되었다. 대만 최고 수준의 공인품새와 창작품새, 격파대회가 펼쳐진 이번 대회는 대만 태권도의 대부 김사옥 사범이 큰 역할을 하였다.
[By NBC-1TV K, Y Yi] PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (Mar. 10, 2019) - WorldTaekwondo (WT) and the Asia Development Foundation (ADF) delivered a taekwondodevelopment fund and university student scholarships to Hang Chuon Naron,minister of Cambodia education, youth and sport, in a ceremony at the EducationMinistry in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on March 9, 2019. The $24,000 taekwondo development fundwas handed over by ADF Executive Director Cho Nam-chul and Seok-jae Kang,senior consultant for WT Taekwondo Cares Program, to the Cambodian educationminister, who also serves as president of the Cambodian Taekwondo F
[By NBC-1TV K, Y Yi] SEOUL, Korea (Mar. 08, 2019) - The 1st WT Educator CertificationCourse, designed to train instructors who will then teach national taekwondo coaches,will be held on March 9-11, 2019, at Taekwondowon in Muju, Korea under theauspices of World Taekwondo and the Taekwondo Promotion Foundation. Some 28 participants from24 countries recommended by WT member national associations will join thecourse. The course covers a variety of topics - competition rules, safeguardingathletes, anti-doping, medical and other emergency management, WT history andculture, and much more. Participan
[By NBC-1TV K, Y Yi] WorldTaekwondo is welcoming candidatures from its global athlete community to serveon the World Taekwondo Athletes’ Committee from 2019-2023, as the federationworks to ensure the athlete voice is heard. Allathletes intending to run for a position on the Committee are required tosubmit their candidacy by 5 March. World Taekwondo will then publish a list ofvalid candidatures on 9 April ahead of the elections during the World TaekwondoChampionships on 14-18 May. Four members will be elected by their fellowathletes with up to two additional members being appointed by the Worl